When skin distension takes place at this level, a lipoaspi­ration alone can’t be sufficient and just a skin tightening can improve this deficiency : this is what we call the arm lifting or the arm inner part lifting.

The aim of the surgery is to take away the excess of skin, to decrease the underneath fat infiltration and to redistribute the skin.


A preoperative assessment is normally conducted as required.

An anesthesiologist must be seen in co Smoking cessation is strongly recommended at least one month before and one month after surgery (tobacco may cause delayed healing)nsultation before the surgery.

Smoking cessation is strongly recommended at least one month before and one month after surgery (tobacco may delay healing).

No medicine with aspirin in it must be taken for at least 10 days before surgery.


Type of anesthesia : The inner arm lifting can be done under general anaesthesia, under local anaesthesia completed by tranquillizing drugs, injected in veins.

Hospital stay : The surgery can be done in the “day care” department; it means, you can leave hospital the same day of the surgery, just after a few hours of resting and medical supervision. On the other hand,a short stay in hospital may be required.


The fat infitrated the skin is removed by lipoaspiration. The skin excess is removed, what leaves a scar which location and length depend on the amount the skin laxity and on the procedure choosen.

Arm lifting with longitudinal incision along the arm inner side

Lifting face interne bras

This surgical procedure responds, mainly, to patients having a major skin laxity with a high and clearly expressed motivation : beside the aesthetical bothering, we can also find functionnal discumfort.

At first, a lipoaspiration is done, each time fat is found infiltrating the arm region.

At the end of surgery, a compressive dressing is done. This type of arm lifting technique corrects with efficiency the as unsightly as embarrassing skin and fat excess but leaving a scar at the inner side of the arm.

Lifting face interne bras-

Arm lifting with horizontal armpit incision

This type of surgery is aimed at a patient with less skin excess and laxity, mainly located at the upper third of the arm.

The residual scar is usually not very visible but the morpho­logical result is less dramatic that the one obtained with a vertical scar arm lifting.

At the end of surgery, a compressive dressing is done.


The hospital outing usually takes place the same day or the day after surgery.

During the early follow-up period, ecchymosis (bruises) and edema (swelling) can appear. They will decrease within 10 to 20 days after surgery.

The pains are normally less important. Sick leave is required.

A sport activity or working out can be done, progressively, again within 4 weeks after surgery.


It will be appreciated within 6 to 12 months after surgery. Most of the time, we can see a good correction of fat infiltra¬tion and skin laxity, what improves a lot the arm aspect.

The functionnal improvement is also very clear, especially in case of longitudinal incision arm lifting.

The scars are usually visible, particulary the longitudinal one, along the arm inner side which is not hidden in a natural fold