The botulinic toxin is a substance which decreases the muscle contraction by acting at the level of the neuro-muscular jonction (myorelaxing action).
In practice, the more usual indications for botulinic toxin aesthetical injections are the wrinckles between the two eyebrows, the frontal lines and the crow-feet wrinckles.
The main goal, we want to reach, is to obtain a decreased muscular action at the level of the forhead and the eyebrows, in order to decrease either the horizontal wrinckles and the vertical ones, done by muscles contraction. Such a use allows to smooth the skin reliefs and so to get a rejuvenative effect due to the muscular tension release.
This treatment main goal is to improve wrinckles and fine lines, when in a resting position and not to avoid muscle contraction. It is better for a first session moderately effective than too efficient: in fact, we do not seek an optimal result from the first injection.
No special preparation is required. We must also respect the following contra-indications :
- Certain neuromuscular deseases, like myasthenia
- Pregnancy and breast feeding
- Known hypersensibility to botulinic neurotoxin A or to serum-albumin and present treatment with aminosid group
No anesthesia is required.
The tratment is done in the doctor’s office.This treatment consists on a serie of facial injections. The needle is fine and the injections are usually less painful.
During the two hours following the injections, it is advised not doing itense sport and not lying down. It is also advised to avoid facial manipulation or massage for 24 hours following the session.
On the other hand, during the three days following the injections, it is strongly recommended to contract the injected muscles, three times a day, for about 5 seconds per muscle.
The expected result consists of wrinckles decreasing with small motions keeping; it is obtained within 3 to 15 days following the injections. The result obtained after the first session stays 3 to 6 months averagely, after what the injection can be renewed.
On the other way, we must remark that if we stop injecting, the treated muscle will go back to its normal function, from before the injections.