‘Blepharoplasties’ means aesthetic surgical procedures of the eyelids aiming to correct unsightly aspects, whether due to heredity or age. They can be performed on the upper or lower eyelids alone, or all four at the same time.
The goal of a blepharoplasty is to correct signs of aging and remove the tired look due to the heavy eyelids by a more rested, relaxed appearance.
The unsightly aspects most commonly found are the following:
- Drooping heavy upper eyelids, with a more or less marked skin-fold.
- Lower eyelids which have drooped and shrunk, leading to horizontal wrinkles due to distended skin.
- Bulging fat, responsible for ‘bags under the eyes’ at the lower eyelid level, or sagging upper eyelids.
This procedure, for both men and women, is often carried out around the age of forty.
A specialised ophthalmologic examination will often be prescribed.
A preoperative check up will be carried out as prescribed. An anesthesiologist will see you before the operation.
No aspirin-based medication should be taken during the 10 days preceding the operation.
It is highly recommended to give-up smoking.
Type d’anesthésie : Three possibilities exist :
- Local anesthesia alone
- Local anesthesia with sedation given by intravenous drip
- Standard general anesthesia, you sleep throughout the procedure.
Hospital stay : The procedure may be carried out on an out-patient basis, in an ambulatory facility. However, in some cases a short hospital stay can be preferable.
Incisions :
- Upper eyelids : They are concealed in the fold.
- Lower eyelids : They are 1 to 2mm below the eyelashes, and can go slightly beyond them.
Note : For the lower eyelids, in the case of isolated “bags” (without excess skin to be removed), a blepharoplasty can be carried out by the transconjunctival approach.
Résection :
Once the incision made, unsightly excess fat is removed, as are redundant muscle and sagging skin. At this stage, numerous appropriate adjustments can be made in order to tailor the procedure to the specific needs of the patient.
Sutures :
Stitches are usually made using very fine nonabsorbable thread (they are removed a few days after the procedure).
The post-surgery
The post-surgery period is mainly marked by an edema (swelling), bruising, and a tearing. However, they are to a variable degree for each individual patient.
The sutures will be removed between the 3rd and 6th day after surgery.
The final aspect will not be visible before 3 to 6 months.
In general the procedure will have corrected redundant skin folds and removed fatty pads thus rectifying the old, tired look.