DEFINITION : It is the surgical correction of the aging of the neck and the face from the temple region to the jowl region

AIMS : The purpose of the operation is to treat looseness and sagging of the  skin and muscles of the face (temples and eyebrows, cheeks, jowls, oval of the face) and the neck.  The objective of such an operation is not to change the shape and appearance of the face. On the contrary, the simple restoration of the different anatomical structures of the face and neck (skin, muscle, fat) enables the patient operated on to regain his looks as they were several years ago.

PRINCIPLES : The muscles are retightened so as to correct their sagging. Then, the skin is adapted, but not excessively, to the new curves. Thanks to this double action the result appears natural and durable . General the surgical outcomes are simple because the skin is not all that traumatised. Liposuction is able to treat any surplus fat.

Sans titre

On the contrary, if the face is emaciated, this aspect can be corrected in the same time by autologous fat reinjection.

The required incisions are essentially hidden in the hair (at the level of temples and the nape of the neck) and around the ear. The scar is almost completely hidden.

A cervico-facial lift is usually planned at around 40 or 45 years old.


A preoperative usual check up will be carried out as prescribed.

An anesthesiologist will see you in consultation before the operation.

No aspirin-based medication should be taken during the 10 days preceding the operation.

Giving-up smoking is highly recommended before the operation because it may cause a delay in cicatrisation.


Type d’anesthésie : For a cervico-facial lifting, a local anesthesia with sedation given by intravenous drip or a standard general anesthesia can be


Hospital stay : A 24 – to 48- hour stay in hospital is recommended.

The operation :

The incisions are essentially hidden in the hair and around the ear. From the incisions, a separation is made under the skin.

Then, we proceed to the delivery of tension of the muscular plan.

In the case of localized fat surplus, a liposuction is done (under the neck, the chin, the jowls and the cheeks ).Then, the skin is naturally draped again, the

skin surplus eliminated and the sutures done without tension.

The dressing is done with bandages around the head at the end of the surgery.

After the opreration : THE SURGICAL FOLLOW-UP

Following the first days, the patient should not worry incase of :

  • edema (swelling),
  • bruising in the neck and chin area,
  • a painful sensation of tension, especially behind the ears, and around the neck. These ecchymoses and edema should disappear within 2 weeks.


It will be appreciated within 2 to 3 months after surgery.

The patient can appreciate a rejuvenation effect, a natural shape and a relaxed and refreshed aspect. This physical improvement is usually accompanied by

better psychological benefit