Aesthetic penoplasty or phalloplasty is a surgery aiming at enhancing the size of the penis either in length or in width. It is mainly for men whose penis is usually within the normal limits . However, such a fact bothers them physically as well as psychologically.
– Penoplasty or enlargement penis surgery allows a gain on the width of the penis, both at rest and during erection. This is the most common procedure.
– Penoplasty or elongation of the penis which is effective only when the penis at rest
Girth Enlargement :
The enlargement is done via a lipostructure also called lipofilling, or reinjection of autologous fat. It consists in widening the penissize or girth by injecting fat.
Hence, it results in an increase in the penis size or girth both at rest and during erection. It is a very reliable method since the result is permanent as long as the patient maintains the same weight.
Penile lengthening :
Penile lengthening is done by cutting the ligaments at the base of the penis via a low abdominal incision. These ligaments act as the “guy ropes of the tent” and, once severed, allow the penis to lengthen naturally. Tissue is then placed between the pubic bone and the lengthened penis. Hence, the penis can be 3 to 6 cm longer, but the gain concerns a flaccide penis.
A preoperative usual check up will be carried out as prescribed.
An anesthesiologist will see you in consultation before the operation.
No aspirin-based medication should be taken during the 10 days preceding the operation.
Giving-up smoking is highly recommended.
Type of anesthesia :
Girth enlargement is often be performed under local aesthesia with deep intravenous tranquilizers .
Penile lengthening requires a classical general anaesthesia.
Modalités d’hospitalisation :
Girth enlargement is usually carried out on an out-patient basis, in an ambulatory facility.
Penile lengethning usually requires a one-night stay in hospital.
The procedure
Girth enlargement :
The surgery emphaises on atraumatic method of fat harvesting. Then,small incisions are made and fat is reinjected through using cannulas . It is injected between the sheath and the corpora cavernosa. Lipostructure is a permanent method.
Penile lengthening
Lengthening the penis is to cut its suspensory ligament.However, it is performed depending on the surgeon’s preference.
The patient does not usually feel any pain.
Girth enlargement :
There might be a swelling during the days following the procedure. Bruises may remain for about 10 days in the area he areas from which fat has been harvested .
It is recommended to wait for two or three weeks before having any sexual intercourse.
Penile lengthening :
Penile lengthening is usually accompanied by bruises and edema.
Girth enlargement :
It usually takes 8 to 10 weeks before appreciating the final result. By that time the shaft would have gained thickness.
We can widen the girth by 2 to 3 cm at rest.
This surgery is appreciated because its keeps the natural shape of the shaft.
The result can be appreciated only after scar healing which usually takes 15 days. The shaft can take 3 to 6 cm in length at rest. However, there is hardly any gain at erection.